Welcome to the Republican Party of
Calumet County!
From the Chairperson.. |
Welcome to the Republican Party of Calumet County website!
We hope you will join us in our effort to ensure conservative candidates are elected to public office.
Not voting is not an option this election cycle. The fate of our country hangs in the balance.
Each of us has a responsibility not only to vote, but to get 10 other people to vote as well.
Christians and Catholics, we cannot sit on the sideline and hope everyone else votes to protect the unborn, to stop our government from exposing our children to pornographic images in our schools and to stop the mutilation and irreversible harm caused by surgeries to our children made in God's image.
Do NOT let yourself look back in regret on Nov. 6th wondering "what more could I have done."
Do something and do it now.
Come to our office, join our volunteer efforts to make phone calls, write postcards, knock on doors, distribute signs and information.
Super Saturdays start September 28th!
Help people register to vote, help them obtain their absentee ballots, help them vote early.
This message is for all Americans, who are seeing what is happening to our great country.
We need everyone, republicans, democrats and independents to rally around our flag and around one another. People are hurting, families barely getting by, young people cannot afford rent or to buy a house, we just saw the stock market crash, seniors are having to choose between affording prescription meds and food.
It has to stop and we can stop it!
Call, email or stop by our office to find opportunities right here in Calumet County to help Trump and our conservative candidates across the board win!
Barbara Bittner - 2nd Vice Chair
Tuesday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Wed: 9:00am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm
CLICK HERE to contact/meet the Executive Board
- Executive Board Meeting: Monday September 23rd at 4:40 pm, RPCC Headquarters (104 Southside Shopping Center, Unit 2, Chilton WI 53014)
- Membership Meeting: Monday September 23rd at 6:30 pm at RPCC Headquarters: Speakers: Barbara Bittner, RNC 2024 Delegate
- Vice-Presidential Debate: October 1st, 2024, news station and time TBD.
- 2024 Merchandise! Show your true colors! Please stop by the office to check out our new merchandise to support your favorite conservative candidate or causes. Pins, T-shirts, hats, flags, yard signs and jewelry. We have new Trump merchandise.
- Wisconsin Parental Opt-Out Form - Do you want to stop your child's school from indoctrinating your children? If so, follow the link below to the Wisconsin Parent and Student Opt-Out Form. - This is required to be done annually!
Print the form, complete and submit annually to your school, according to the directions on page 2 of the form to ensure you know what your child is being taught in school. These require annual submission!
Want to help? Please donate to us today!
Monetary donations are used to:
- Pay rent and utilities for our headquarters where we hold monthly meetings and planning.
- Fund local, state, and federal conservative candidates running for office.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Want to get involved?
Contact us and find out today how you can get involved to strengthen the conservative movement in our state and country.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 920-418-9433
Office: 104 Southside Shopping Center, Unit 2, Chilton, WI 53014
Volunteer Opportunities:
* Fundraising
* Door Knocking / Phone Calls / Postcard writing
*Parade walking
*Assisting with delivery of signs
*Working the GOP office during open hours
*2nd Amendment Committee
*Fair Booth - Meet and Greet
* Host a campaign sign for candidates at home or business
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 920-418-9433
Office: 104 Southside Shopping Center, Unit 2, Chilton, WI 53014
Volunteer Opportunities:
* Fundraising
* Door Knocking / Phone Calls / Postcard writing
*Parade walking
*Assisting with delivery of signs
*Working the GOP office during open hours
*2nd Amendment Committee
*Fair Booth - Meet and Greet
* Host a campaign sign for candidates at home or business