The Republican Party of Calumet County is proud to sponsor their Second Annual Golf Tournament.
The proceeds of this event will enable us to support conservative candidates in local races and statewide races.
All local politicians have been invited to this event!
When: June 16th, 2025
Where: Hickory Hills Golf Course
W3095 Hickory Hills Rd.
Chilton WI
Hole Sponsorships:
Gold Sponsor: $1,000
Silver Sponsor: $500
Bronze Sponsor: $250
Foursome: $300
Dinner only: $20
8 am - 9:45 am Golf Registration w/Coffee and Donuts
10:00 am - 10:45 am Shotgun Start for 40 Foursomes
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Lunch at the Turn
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Cash Bar, Dinner, Awards
50/50 Raffle on the front and back nine
Hole Contests and Prizes
Raffle Tickets
Contact Ann Calnin for more information: 920-418-9433
To obtain registration forms email: [email protected] or stop by the office during normal office hours
The proceeds of this event will enable us to support conservative candidates in local races and statewide races.
All local politicians have been invited to this event!
When: June 16th, 2025
Where: Hickory Hills Golf Course
W3095 Hickory Hills Rd.
Chilton WI
Hole Sponsorships:
Gold Sponsor: $1,000
Silver Sponsor: $500
Bronze Sponsor: $250
Foursome: $300
Dinner only: $20
8 am - 9:45 am Golf Registration w/Coffee and Donuts
10:00 am - 10:45 am Shotgun Start for 40 Foursomes
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Lunch at the Turn
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Cash Bar, Dinner, Awards
50/50 Raffle on the front and back nine
Hole Contests and Prizes
Raffle Tickets
Contact Ann Calnin for more information: 920-418-9433
To obtain registration forms email: [email protected] or stop by the office during normal office hours