Please join us at our 2nd Amendment Rally and Gun Raffle.
When: Saturday May 10th, 2025 from 11 am - 4 pm
Where: Calumet County Fairgrounds (Pavillion and Merchant Hall) - 900 Francis Street, Chilton, WI 53014
James Tesauro - Blackhawk Pilot
Retired Col. Joe McGrath
Calumet County Judge Cary Reed
Others TBD
What: Raffle baskets, 50/50 Raffle Tickets, Entertainment and Vendors
Food and beverages will be available for purchase from:
Marco's BBQ of Brillion WI (BBQ, Brats and Burgers)
Calumet Brewery of Chilton WI (Beer, Soda, Water)
Terra Verde and Scoops of Chilton WI (Coffee, Tea, Smoothies, Ice Cream)
Gun Raffle Drawing begins at 3:00 pm
Please contact Tom DeTroye - 2nd Amendment Committee Vice Chair for additional information on purchasing tickets - 920-838-4903
Tickets are available at the RPCC Office during regular office hours
Vendors: Please contact Julie Ruh, Vendor Coordinator at 920-242-5329
See list of Prizes and Raffle Rules Below:
Please check back after February 1st, 2025 for full list of rules
Residents of Calumet County, WI who are over the age of 18 are eligible to sign the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Petition
Republican Party of Calumet County
Second Amendment Committee
Gun Raffle Rules 2025
Proceeds from this raffle support all activities of the Republican Party of Calumet County (RPCC)
including activities related to the party's full support of the Second Amendment throughout the county.
This raffle is governed by all State of Wisconsin laws pertaining to raffles in general and those specifically pertaining to raffles held by political parties.
All laws must be followed.
Second Amendment Committee
Gun Raffle Rules 2025
Proceeds from this raffle support all activities of the Republican Party of Calumet County (RPCC)
including activities related to the party's full support of the Second Amendment throughout the county.
This raffle is governed by all State of Wisconsin laws pertaining to raffles in general and those specifically pertaining to raffles held by political parties.
All laws must be followed.
- Each raffle ticket may contain only one name and that name will be the winner if chosen for any prize. Tickets may not be shared, nor are they transferable.
- The drawing for this raffle will be held at the Calumet County Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. This will be during the RPCC 2025 Second Amendment rally. Rally starts at 11:00 am and ends after the raffle drawing at 4:00 pm.
- Ticket holders need not be present to win.
- Firearms will be awarded in the order listed on the ticket.
- By purchasing a raffle ticket, you attest that you are a law-abiding citizen of the United States and if you should win a gun, that you will use that firearm in a legal and safe manner.
- All Federal and State firearms laws and regulations apply, specifically Wisconsin State Law regarding raffles conducted by political parties.
- In Wisconsin, you must be at least 18 to purchase/win and own any long gun, and be at least 21 to purchase, to win and own any handgun.
- You must be 18 to enter the raffle. If you are 18, but not 21 and you win a handgun, you will receive the alternative cash amount for that handgun. The Committee will decide on the final disposition of that handgun after the raffle, with the approval of the Party Executive Committee.
- All firearms, (crossbow not included), won will be transferred to you in person at T&L Tactical Firearms of Manitowoc, WI. Winners will be given detailed instructions on how to have their firearm transferred to them.
- Winners of long guns will be required to pass a National Firearm Background check at no charge. Winners of handguns will be required to pass a Wisconsin State Background check and are responsible for that $30.00 cost. (Pay at T&L Tactical while completing the transfer of that firearm to you.)
- Winners will be notified promptly.
- Winners will have until August 10, 2025 to claim the firearm, or cash prize. Failure to do so will result in prize forfeiture.
- The Republican Party of Calumet County makes no warranty of firearms. Winners must deal directly with the manufacturer if problems arise.
- Should any law, regulation or other legal barrier occur before the firearm is awarded, such that the transfer of said firearm is prohibited,
- RPCC will award a check in the amount of the “Cash Amount” as listed on the ticket, to the winner.
- Any prize winner may, in lieu of receiving a firearm or crossbow, refuse the prize in exchange of the “Cash Amount” as listed on the ticket.
- Any winner supplying information on any ticket that is drawn and found to be invalid, will be disqualified and no prize or cash value will be awarded. The cost of the ticket will be forfeited.
- Every attempt will be made to deliver the prize firearm or crossbow, rather than award a check in the equivalent amount as a replacement.
- The winner of any firearm or crossbow, at their discretion, may elect to receive a check for the alternative cash amount as indicated to that prize, rather than take possession of that prize.
- The RPCC makes no warranties regarding any firearm or crossbow and no representations regarding suitability for any firearm or crossbow. The RPCC is released from any and all associated liability concerning the gun raffle, outside of the cost of tickets purchased.
- Raffles are void where prohibited.
- Any and all prizes, firearms or crossbow, that cannot be awarded during or after the raffle drawing, will be disposed of at the discretion of the RPCC Second Amendment Committee with approval of the RPCC Executive Committee.
- Any disputes will be resolved by the RPCC Executive Committee.
Wisconsin Raffle License # R0042454-A-94654